- Bryan Marden: Blog en-us photographer bryan marden ( - Bryan Marden) Thu, 11 Jan 2024 10:05:00 GMT Thu, 11 Jan 2024 10:05:00 GMT - Bryan Marden: Blog 86 120 Therapeutic Photography NDIS Therapeutic Photography Premise - 

Create a thought,
Capture the moment,
Process an image,

Expose the photo,
Light the joy,
Transend time, for our life to see.

Service Agreement Responsibilities

To provide a person-centred support platform having its foundation of caring through the medium of photography.

A personalised caring framework commitment to meet current and potential needs and lifestyle situation.

A personal photographic interaction that is clear and responsive having punctual demeanour

Value the intrinsic worth of a client through kindness and friendliness.

Discuss photographic support and outcomes determined by needs of the client.

Clear written knowledge and information guiding the client criticism if needed.

Client acceptance and an objective understanding of the client’s assessment and criticism.

The ability and intention to undertake correction of any issue in a prompt and timely manner.

Provide a reasonable time frame (24hrs) with regards to appointment change of time and/or location.

Provide the client with the “Ending this Service Agreement” if the service can no longer be provided.

Assure private client information is secure and all safeguards are in place to keep it that way.

Implement all information relating to “NDIS Act 2013” and Australian Consumer Law.

Manage detailed and correct support history information about the client’s needs and activity.

Provide account information in the for of an invoice highlighting all support received by the client.

All invoices given to under the terms of the NDIA terms of Business Registered Providers as needed

A plan to improve daily living individually through photography therapy to increase skills for great mental independence.

Responsibility of the client

Instruct and advise how the support direction supplied is applicable for the client’s beneficial requirements.

Conduct a work environment that is one of consideration and understanding

Communication from all providers about any or all matters regarding support questions the client might have.

Provide a reasonable reschedule time (before 3pm) notice when the client has cancelled the schedule appointment.

Be of the understanding that a cancellation policy will apply if cancelation notification is not given before 3pm on the day before or on the day of support was booked.

Appropriate notice given for when ending any service agreement to be understood as a 2- week time frame.

Communicate any change in any NDIS client plan that relates to the participant no longer covered within the NDIS support program.

Client payment system include hourly and weekly payment types for the photography support (04_104_0125_6_1) minimum 2 hrs unit rates expenditure as per Access Community Social and Rec Active costings. Travel kilometres both Activity Based Transport (04_590_0125_6_1).and Provider Travel - non-labour costs (04_799_0104_6_1) and motor toll expenditure.

Therapeutic Photography Premise - Create a thought,
Capture the moment,
Process an image,

Expose the photo,
Light the joy,
Transcend time, for our life to see.

- Neuroplasticity tells us that our brain has the ability to change constantly throughout our lives and grow new connections -

Both are based in the understanding photography process is an active process of creating meaning in which a new conceptualisation of wellbeing emerges Source – Science Daily Lancaster University April 30 2018.
Visual Art interventions have a stabilizing effect on individuals by reducing distress, increasing self-reflection and self-awareness, altering behaviour and thinking patterns, and also normalizing heart rate, blood pressure, or even cortisol levels. Nation Medical Library of Medicine. Published online July 1 2014

Photography Purpose and Meaning

*the purpose of connecting inner understanding with external imagery for a positive emotional feeling
*Photos that becomes makers or evolution of the client’s independence with the ability for them to reflect back and see great memories in time.

*The meaningful process is the outcome providing more than personal happiness more aligned with a clearer perspective of the client’s environment and beyond.
*The purpose of developing trust in a meaningful life with direction via image evolution building trust to gain trust via a shared image interest

*The purpose of personal expression though a camera of composing a world they see and how they fit within that world composition.
*A structured passion of purpose and achievement that is recognizable through images that other an experience and comment

*Take your thoughts outside yourself to then discuss the meaning with people first via the image with people see interest in the image.
*The purpose pf positive experience to allow them to forget and be distracted from previous negativity and create positive purpose within life

*Continually improving the client’s purpose and interest through photography and refine a path of continuity of person value
*The purpose to develop trust in a meaningful life with direction through evolution of photographic learning

*Talking through photography and images for healing and positive growth purpose to improve one mental health via a new form of health language to each other.
*The purpose of building confidence around a talent and a passion to restore one’s inner voice and thoughts.

*For the purpose of building personal inner trust to tear down external fear through personal expressed image capture and photo description text
*Transfer the built trust into an interaction to gain trust.
*Develop personal space awareness of their environment through photography
*Photo process that in rich one’s life through visual engagement and personal connection Photography Outcomes

*Checkpoint and mark outcomes along the way photo process that in rich the client’s life through images captured and text explained with increased skill level
*The forever outcome photo process of idea rather than the endpoint completed idea *The outcome of reshaping personal meaning from restriction to freedom through photography that overflows in all areas of thinking

*Outcome that positively directs emotions then seen via a greater visual engagement and community interaction
*An outcome experience in and over time that creates a new visual language of photos to encourage the pursuit of other personal goals.

*Outcome of improving awareness of the client’s environment concluding in better mental wellness and physical exercise and lowering hormone cortisol


( - Bryan Marden) Photography Therapeutic Thu, 11 Jan 2024 10:04:27 GMT
Lost Jill

I need  to find the owner of Jill . This little dog is from Central Park NYC  this photo was taken around December 10th 2012  Jill had cancer and was going to die not long after this photo. So I would love to find the owner of this great little Australian Cattle Dog so they have this photo.

( - Bryan Marden) Dogmatic love Wed, 23 Dec 2015 13:00:00 GMT
Hands of Time My mate ... Just short of his 105th year birthday ... What do you call friendship??? I call friend friendship Lewis Edward Milham in peace

These are the hands of the love and joy of a man that has just turned 104 years old today. May God grant his wish today to be in peace forever. So he does not have to wait anymore as 37596 days is heaps for Lewis and I did not count the leap years. More than enough for most.  -  23-11-15... and I think everyone should take time to gain a friendship with anyone over 100 years old... even better photograph them....

( - Bryan Marden) Friendship Tue, 24 Nov 2015 13:00:00 GMT